Thought Leadership
As the thought leaders in the space, New Heartland Group is the country’s only marketing agency/consultancy dedicated to connecting brands with the 60% of customers who live in the New Heartland. Fueled by proprietary research and deep marketplace experience, NHG shares insight into the cultural nuances found in the New Heartland, and how these values affect buying behavior.
As founder and chief brand strategist, Jankowski is a much sought after speaker. Previous speaking engagements include CMA (Country Music Association), PepsiCo, Media Post, SXSW Music, Ashford University Forbes School of Business and Technology, and AMA (American Marketing Association).
- Everyone Talks About “Branding”: What a Brand Really Is and How to Build One
- An Introduction to the New Heartland: Why Brands are Missing the Mark and How to Hit It
- Target a Culture, Not a Demographic: The Significance of Core Values and Lifestyle
- Ditch the Customer Stereotype: Research Reveals the Real View of the New Heartland
We are thought leaders in the space
We build connections by helping brands understand how culture, core values and lifestyle activities influence buying behaviors.
Paul was years ahead of everyone else in identifying the great trend towards the New Heartland. While everyone else is now discovering what is happening there, Paul was the true pioneer. No brand today can be taken seriously if they don’t have a New Heartland strategy to build relationships with customers, and The New Heartland Speaks provides a practical roadmap in how to do so. Paul’s intellectual rigor and leading analytical research provides the true story of what is happening, and this book is a must read.
Jim Wilkinson, Chairman/CEO, Trailrunner Global Communications (former Head of Global Communications for PepsiCo and Alibaba)
As a brand building thought leader, Jankowski’s work has been covered in several of the most popular media outlets.

We Wrote the Book on Marketing to the New Heartland
The New Heartland Speaks includes powerful new insights on how to reach the New Heartland customer. With first-of-its-kind research, this marketing guide identifies differences between Gen Z, millennials and Gen X customers in the New Heartland and Coasts including brand perceptions, lifestyle influences, and more.